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Hynes Sight - Spring Edition

I worked at a school many years ago that held an annual Founders Day. At this yearly event, the entire school would come together for a period of time and honor individuals who had been a part of making the organization what it was. I loved this event, and am committed to introducing the same type of event at Westside Christian, beginning next year. 

On Saturday, June 4th, I attended a memorial service for Mr. Keith Lucas, held on our campus. Mr. Lucas was the Principal of Westside from 1989 to 2000. I attended because I felt it was a duty on my part as the current Head of School. Little did I know that what I deemed a duty would become an amazingly emotional and fulfilling event – one that I will never forget.

I witnessed the history of this remarkable place in the making. Person after person spoke of the amazing life of Keith Lucas and the impact he had upon Westside as well as their own lives. Many of those who spoke were alumni, who now have their own children in the school today! I was humbled to hear his story, (recollected by the venerable Don Westerberg), as a volunteer soldier serving in Vietnam, his heroism, and his dedication to youth after the war as he chose to work in high school education rather than become a pastor for which he was trained. Mr. Lucas was an Oak of a man, and I am honored to be one who stands upon his shoulders as I strive to continue the good work at Westside Christian that he helped initiate. I often tell prospective parents who ask me why I moved to Portland, and my answer is simply “because of this amazing school.”

Christian organizations often “eat their own” in an effort to grow and meet some idealized model of what they should be. In so doing, they forget their past and the people that the Lord used to make them who they are. I am committed at Westside to honor our past and those who have helped make it who we are today. Thus, Founders Day is officially launched at Westside Christian effective immediately. I fully intend to recognize and honor those who the Lord has used in service to this organization, and look forward to all of you participating with me in the launch of this joyous event. More details on this will come in the Fall.

By the way, many of the alumni who loved Mr. Lucas have launched a Keith Lucas Memorial Scholarship fund. This scholarship fund will be used yearly to honor a senior who best emulates the servant leadership qualities of Keith Lucas, and will go towards that student’s college tuition. Help me honor the leadership of Mr. Lucas by making this fund as robust as possible, so that his name will be remembered and his service to this school never forgotten. Giving can be made on our website under the giving tab.

Blessings to you all,


Head of School

School Update
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